St. Croix Eventer Series Unclipped
St. Croix Eventer Shoes
Protect a hoof with wider web, without going to aluminum or doing more work at the anvil. It fits! The hoof side features sole relief; a chamfered edge in the toe section to prevent the formation of pressure points on the sole. The heels are rounded and thus help avoid wear and self-inflicted injuries. Both front and hind shapes are symmetrical. Other features; rolled toe, concave hoof surface, graduated thickness. Punched for CH5 nails.
St. Croix Eventer Plus Shoes
Eventer-Plus Front High performance steel horseshoes. Wider web provides added support, full crease contributes to improved traction. Symmetrical front shoes. Sole relief and improved crease for perfect nail locking. Suggested nail size: Shoes 0-1 CH5 and 2-3 CH6 nails.